

发布时间: 2024-05-10 11:25:53北京青年报社官方账号





As has been the case since the council first asked the question in 2006, two-thirds of Americans, or 68 percent, say they prefer to undertake friendly cooperation and engagement with China, rather than working to limit the growth of China's power, according to the survey.


As for the Turkish economy and its currency, Sanders said, "We're monitoring the situation with respect to the Turkish economy and the decline of the lira, but Turkey's economic problems, those are part of a long-term trend, something of its own making and not the result of any actions the United States has taken."


As President Xi Jinping said, if the young people all around the world have dreams of a better future and the courage to shoulder due responsibilities, there will be hope for mankind. These young people will be an inexhaustible source of strength behind the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.


As a part of the action plan, ADB will launch the Oceans Financing Initiative to create opportunities for the private sector to invest in bankable projects that will help improve ocean health. The initiative will provide technical assistance grants and funding from ADB and other donors to reduce the technical and financial risks of projects. This will be done through instruments such as credit risk guarantees and capital market "blue bonds".


As fresh college graduates face greater challengers finding jobs this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the zone set up a recruitment program on April 9 with more than 140 high-tech companies offering more than 16,000 jobs to graduates, according to the management committee.


